Professional and Academic English Submission Guidelines

  1. Professional and Academic English (P&AE) accepts previously unpublished work on topics of significance to its readers.
  2. Authors do not need to be IATEFL ESPSIG members.
  3. After submission to P&AE, authors are requested to refrain from submitting their papers to other journals until a publication decision is made.
  4. Only one submission per author, or joint authors, is accepted for each issue.
  5. Articles should be 5,000 to 6,000 words, excluding references, tables and appendices. Insights into teaching and classroom practice may be shorter than 5,000 words, but not longer than 6,000. Postgraduate students can submit studies of 2,500-3,000 words as well as full-length articles.
  6. Book reviews should be approximately 400-800 words, excluding references.
  7. Authors must state whether they are submitting an article, classroom report, a book review or postgraduate research.
  8. To facilitate the double-blind review that this journal is using, authors should include a separate cover page with the following information: title, author’s name/authors’ names, each author’s affiliation, each author’s full postal address, each author’s e-mail address, each author’s short biography of no more than 50 words. Joint authors should indicate who the corresponding author is.
  9. The main body of the paper should contain the following: title, abstract, the article, references, appendix/appendices (if any).
  10. In order to ensure anonymity during the reviewing process, the main body of the paper (including notes, footnotes, captions, references) should not contain any identifying information such as the authors’ names or affiliations. In case any such information is included, the submission will be returned to the author(s) for the removal of all identifying information.
  11. All submissions should be Word documents. Formatting: title – Calibri-Bold 16; section titles – Calibri-Bold 14; subsection titles – Calibri 13 bold italic; sub-subsection titles – Calibri 13 italic; body text – Calibri 12; line spacing – single. Sections must be numbered according to academic convention: 1 Section, 1.1 Subsection, 1.1.1 Sub-subsection, etc. Figures/tables/graphs/charts: centred, each type numbered consecutively, with the caption centred and placed underneath. Punctuation: no full stop after titles/subtitles/sub-subtitles; single quotation marks for direct quotations, double quotation marks for quotations within quotations. Footnotes can be used and should be numbered consecutively throughout the article.
  12. The formatting of references in the text and in the reference list should follow the guidelines stated in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th+ Edition
  13. Images should be of a high resolution (at least 300 dpi).
  14. Manuscripts that may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors in order to conform to correct scientific English will be subject to developmental editing.
  15. All submissions are to be sent by email attachment to [email protected], using the following file names:

  • articles: P&AE_article-cover_surname_initial(s) and P&AE_article_surname_initial(s);
  • book reviews: P&AE_review-cover_surname_initial(s) and P&AE_review_surname_initial(s);
  • classroom practice: P&AE_classroom-cover_surname_initial(s) and P&AE_classroom_surname_initial(s);
  • postgraduate research: P&AE_postgrad-cover_surname_initial(s) and P&AE_postgrad_surname_initial(s).

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