Call for Webinar Presenters

The ESPSIG Committee would like to stay connected and share ideas and good practice with our colleagues and peers. We would like to invite you to submit a proposal for a webinar on a topic relevant for ESP practitioners. Our webinars offer a platform for webinar presenters to share their experience, their professional and academic […]

ESPSIG Roving Reporter Scholarship

Triparni Biswas is working with Deloitte India as a program manager of Technology, Media, and Telecommunications industry where she is responsible for assisting the sector leaders to develop business, improve DEI, and advance the learning and development of TMT professionals. This role has inspired her to take data-driven decisions to create learning modules. In the […]

ESPSIG IATEFL 2023 Mark Krzanowski Scholarship Winner

Vicky Margari works freelance as a business communication skills and ESP trainer. She runs blended and e-learning courses, specializing in digital business communication, Aviation English and English for Tourism and Hospitality. Her interests include intercultural communication, online learning and instructional design. Before becoming a trainer, she worked in Hospitality as a Hotel Assistant Manager for […]


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