I have always been interested in organising as well as in connecting people and taking advantage of synergy. Thus, I have participated in different initiatives stimulating cooperation and collaboration in school, at university and at work. Appreciating the role of professional unions for the career development of an individual, I joined BETA-IATEFL (Bulgarian English Teachers’ Association) and currently I am part of its committee being in charge of the membership as well as of BETA LinkedIn profile. During my term I have been a member of BETA conference organising committee and in 2015 was the chief organiser for the BETA 2015 conference in Sofia. Then, I was in charge of the speaker selection, conference correspondence, scholarships and was the contact person for the exhibition of materials, organiser of the coffee breaks and cocktails and the financial support coordinator. I have good relations with the BETA sister organisations and wide contacts with ELT specialists worldwide as well as experience in teamwork and work under pressure and with tight deadlines.
I have been an IATEFL member since 2014 and became an ESP SIG member last year. ESP is my field of work and major interest and concern. I think that as a part of the ESP SIG team I could focus on the development of the SIG relations with IATEFL affiliates in order to reach out to new members and to raise the awareness of the scholarships and the opportunities they present to ELT experts.